Cigarette Assessed Tax to 10-15%

VIVAnews - The government plans to asses cigarette with tax of between 10 and 15 percent of the excise value.

Director General of Financial Balance of the Department of Finance Mardiasmo said the assessment is aimed at protecting the people from the danger of smoking.

He went on to say that the tax will be channeled to provincial government while the previous tax has been for the central government.

As for the monitoring, each province will be authorized to manage the tax assessment.

Usulan Kejaksaan Izinkan Lima Smelter Perusahaan Timah Tetap Beroperasi Disorot


Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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Menurut Direktur Bina Haji PHU Arsad Hidayat, jemaah haji diminta tidak asal membagikan informasi yang beredar di media sosial yang belum jelas kebenarannya.

27 April 2024