Oil and Gas Projects for Local Contractors

VIVAnews - The contractors joining the Indonesia Engineering Companies (Gapenri) requested that local contractors manage oil and gas projects.

"The government has actually made available numerous chances for local contractors. But the oil and gas projects are still dominated by foreign [companies]," said Head of Gaperin Triharyo I Soesilo in Jakarta on Friday, June 5.

He explained that the local contractors only received projects worth US$2 billion out of US$9 billion oil and gas projects.

He said that the greatest challenge for the use of local projects lies on private oil and gas projects as well as investment.

Soesilo acknowledged that Head of Upstream Oil and Gas Regulator (BP Migas) Priyono has urged the utilization of local products in oil and gas projects.


Translated by: Ariyantri E. Tarman

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