Hafiz Ganteng Asal Amerika Mengenang Julia Perez

Fatih Seferagic.
Sumber :
  • Viva.co.id/Linda Hasibuan

VIVA.co.id – Fatih Seferagic, pemuda asal Amerika Serikat yang pandai melantunkan ayat-ayat suci Alquran, sempat ke Jakarta dan bertemu Julia Perez alias Jupe beberapa waktu lalu. Jupe sangat mengagumi Fatih. Hafiz ganteng ini pun menceritakan pengalamannya saat bertemu Jupe di akun Instagram. 

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Bersama dengan video dan beberapa unggahan foto, ia menulis. "Saya ingin berbagi cerita yang sangat pribadi dengan Anda semua, dan diikuti oleh beberapa nasihat yang tulus. Selama kunjungan saya baru-baru ini ke Indonesia saya diberkati untuk bertemu dengan saudara perempuan Julia Perez (semoga Allah SWT memberikannya Jannah dan mengampuni dosa-dosanya)," ujar Fatih. 

Fatih mengungkapkan sebelum ke Indonesia diingatkan untuk menjaga komunikasi. Jupe memang tak menghadiri acara Fatih saat ke Indonesia karena khawatir tak akan disambut, dan takut citra pria berusia 18 tahun itu tercoreng. Dan itu membuat Fatih sedih dan kecewa.

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"Namun kami membuat kompromi, dan akhirnya dia menghadiri pertemuan pribadi yang kebetulan berada di sebuah sekolah yang dia ikuti saat kecil. (Video tersebut menunjukkan bahwa dia duduk dengan tenang mendengarkan Surat Yusuf di acara tersebut, Alhamdulillah)," ungkapnya. 

Setelah acara usai keduanya sempat menjaga kontak. Ia mengungkapkan kekagumannya terhadap kepribadian Jupe. Ia memuji Jupe dengan sebutan manusia berhati emas. "Dan aku benar-benar harus tahu, Julia, manusia yang benar-benar menakjubkan dengan hati emas," ucapnya. 

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Lantas, ia mengingatkan bahwa setiap orang memiliki kesalahan, tapi setiap orang memiliki kesempatan untuk berubah. "Dia (Allah) adalah orang yang menerima pertobatan dari hamba-hamba-Nya dan mengampuni dosa-dosa: dan Dia mengetahui semua yang kamu lakukan," ujarnya.


I want to share a very personal story with you all followed by some sincere advice - During my recent visit to Indonesia i was blessed to meet sister Julia Perez (May Allah swt grant her Jannah and forgive her sins) - Before my visit to Indonesia i was told by various people not to make contact and stay away. Julia also did not want to come to any of my events as she felt she wouldn't be welcomed and it would ruin my image if she came. Not gonna lie but this was quite upsetting for me to hear. However we made a compromise and she finally attended a private gathering which happened to be at at a school she attended as a kid growing up. (The video shows her sitting peacefully listening to Surah Yusuf at the event, Alhumdulillah) After the event we stayed in contact and thats when i really got to know Julia, a truly amazing human being with a heart of gold - Remember everyone makes mistakes, but everyone has the opportunity to change. "He (Allah) is the one that accepts repentance from his servants and forgives sins: and he knows all that you do" [42:25] - Try not to judge and remember everyone has their own turning point in life. Help guide someone through it and teach them, not judge them and shut them out. Be there for them when they need you the most. - We all need to understand Al-Quran was sent as guidance to ALL mankind. Allah has laid down solutions of every human problem in the Quran very clearly "and we have revealed the book to you explaining clearly everything" - So when you see someone sin openly, the Quran should be our guide to help them. Fight negativity with positivity, refrain from slandering them as all you are doing is distancing them from Islam, instead act with compassion and words from Quran and most importantly do dua for them that Allah guides them to the straight path. - Subhanallah It really is incredible how the Quran is able to bring so many people together. It has the ability to touch a persons heart, it doesnt matter who they are or where they're at, the word of God pierces through the heart. "O Allah purify our hearts, guide us, forgive our sins and let the last of our deeds be the best of deeds" Ameen

Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Fatih Seferagic ???? (@therealfatih) pada


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